Monday 18 August 2014

How to Test if Antivirus is Working Properly

We all Use antivirus to protect our Computer from Malwares and Viruses, Some of the most popular antiviruses are Avast, Bitdefender, Avira, Kespersky ect.

We all have our own chosen antivirus installed in our Computer to Prevent Viruses to affect the System. But do you know that your antivirus is working properly or not? Yes? No? 

Check if you Antivirus is Working Properly or Not
You might not even know how to check if my Antivirus is working properly or not, So today i will show you a trick to check it. 

How to Test if Antivirus is Working Properly

There is a Simple 1 line Code which Antivirus must Stop you to proceed further, if not then its clear that your antivirus is a waste and is not working properly. Just follow the below simple steps to know if your antivirus is good or good for nothing.

Step 1: Open notepad and Copy the Below Code in it


Step 2: Once you have Copied the Code in your notepad, its time to Save it, so click on File and Save, Name it or any other name you want to give it.

Step 3: Once you have saved the file, Double click on it to open. Your Antivirus will Warn you and Stop you which means its working fine but if you antivirus doesn't Stops you and warn you, then its time to accept that your antivirus is Good for nothing.

Step 4: If your antivirus warns you when you open the notepad file then You can Continue Using it Else Uninstall it and Change your Antivirus.

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