Wednesday, 27 August 2014

How to Add Facial Recognition Login in Windows and Mac

Are you still using the traditional way of typing your password to login into your computer, Then you should read this post, Here in this post we will be showing you how you can enable facial recognition on your computer/laptop to login into your computer ,i.e your computer can detect who is it’s owner (it’s you) and give the access to the computer this is really cool right!.

Here is How you can enable Facial Recognition on your Windows and Mac Computers

Note:- To make use of this feature or technology on your computer your computer should have a webcam (Acts like Eye for your computer to recognize you!).
Step 1:
First download the face recognition software KeyLemon from here [official link] KeyLemon is available in free version and paid version. First get the free version then get the paid version if you like. :-D
Key Lemon is available for Windows and Mac operating systems.
Here is a complete list of Windows operating systems supported by KeyLemon
  • Win XP SP2/SP3 (x86 or x64) *
  • Win Vista (x86 or x64)
  • Win 7 (x86 or x64)
  • Win 8 (x86 or x64)
  • Win 8.1 (x86 or x64)
And list of Mac operating systems supported
  • MacOS X Snow Leopard (10.6.x)
  • MacOS X Lion (10.7.x)
  • MacOS X Mountain Lion (10.8.x)
  • MacOS X Mountain Lion (10.9.x)
Step 2:
After downloading the file run the installation, Installing of this program is so easy and straight forward.
key lemon1
Before continuing to next step make sure that your webcam is connected to your computer and you are not in the dark room:-p stay in light for few minutes to let your computer see you.
Step 3:
After completion of installation the run the Application, Now in this step we will be creating a face modal so that computer/laptop can recognize you and give the access to your computer. After completion of installation the wizard for creating the face modal launches as shown in below image
key lemon 2
When you see the Green tick mark on your image as shown in above image Click on Create a New Face Modal,(note you can create only create one face modal in free version of this software).
Step 4:
Now in this step you should check whether your computer is able to recognize you are not. The recognition quality beside your image in the vertical bar, The more the bar fills with Green the better your computer is able to recognize you.
When the recognition bar gets filled up with Green click on Next Step
key lemon 3
Step 5:
Now in this step you can choose the name for your face modal, And you should also enter your windows password to make the changes available.
key lemon 4
Step 6:
Now in this step, Lock your computer and test whether your computer is able to recognize you are not. If you computer is unable to recognize you, You can enter the windows password normally and login into your computer, and improve your face modal from the profile settings as shown in below image.
key lemon 5
I am very much satisfied with this software to lock and unlock my computer, I faced some problems while unlocking my computer under light and in dark, Even though This is cool software, I can’t complete relay on this software because it failed to stop others from entering into my computer. You can have a look at this below image (I blurred my Friends image as he didn’t allow me to share his image :-p ) all the images above are mine but the last image which was allowed to enter into my computer is my friends :-P. Hope KeyLemon will make their facial recognition algorithm more strong.
key lemon last
Cool ! Now its your turn to Use the above trick to add extra Security for your Laptop. If you find difficulty in any of above steps feel free to comment below.

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